Dr Dimitrios Borousas, ESARA Scientific Committee member, lectured during IMCAS 2020 congress in Paris, France

“Following the current developments with the COVID-19, as ESARA main objective is for the safety and health of our community, and following directives of the World Health Organization, International and local authorities for a complete lock down of all activities, ESARA has decided to postpone all training and educational activities. ESARA continuously monitors the situation and looking forward to staying connected during this challenging time; until we meet again in person.

Dr Dimitrios Borousas, ESARA Scientific Committee member, lectured during IMCAS 2020 congress in Paris, France on the following subjects:

  • Penile injectable treatment – Stem cells & more
  • Penile skin vaginoplasty
  • Augmentation phalloplasty using scaffold or fat

In summarizing Dr Dimitrios Borousas lectures

Penile injectable treatment – Stem cells & more; Platelet Rich Plasma or Autologous stem-cells (pilot study) Intracavernous injections, seem to have very good effects on erectile function. Low intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy is an improved treatment for erectile dysfunction The role of hyaluronic acid fillers, to temporarily thicken or correct abnormalities in shape

Penile skin vaginoplasty; Penile skin vaginoplasty with preservation and use of all anatomical elements of the penis, is a modern, sophisticated method, and is the preferred method that we use today, for M2F sex reassignment surgery, at the Sava Perovic Institute, with very good results. It’s not amputation, only the testicles are removed. Glans penis is shaped into a glans clitoris, retaining the vascular bundle, which remains with the corpora cavernosa tunica albuginea. Urethra and penile skin are used in the construction of the new vagina. The inner petal of the foreskin forms the inner lips of the new vagina

Augmentation phalloplasty using scaffold or fat; Since 2005, we started the use of PLGA scaffolds, to reconstruct postoperative abnormalities, with great success. Since 2006, we use them combined with tissue culture or rich plasma, for Augmentation phalloplasty. Since 2014, we use micro fat devices for fat rich in adipose mesenchymal stem cells, combined wth V-Y incision and ligamentolysis or circumcision and PLGA scaffold
